Cloud Nets

S2 Episode 5 DNOS

DriveNets Season 2 Episode 5

Today we are going to talk about DNOS, the DriveNets Network Operating System. Why is DNOS important and how it's different than just your ordinary network operating?

Hi and welcome to CloudNets where networks meet cloud. And today we are going to talk about DNOS, the DriveNets Network Operating System. And we have the DNOS expert, Run.
Hi Run. Hello, how are you?
I'm wonderful.
And I know why you are wonderful. Very happy. Recently, GigaOm published their GigaOm Radar and the DNOS, the DriveNets Network Operating System came up...well, first.
Kind of, yeah.
So let's talk a bit about DNOS. Why is DNOS important and how it's different than just your ordinary network operating?
Okay, it's going to be three things. It's going to be three things, but it's going to be three by three.
Because the first item is DNOS is three dimensional.
It's DNOS 3D. Why is it 3D? Because it's distributed over multiple boxes.
Because it's disaggregated, meaning it's decoupling the control plane from the hardware plane. Hardware and software are separated  and the third D is its DriveNets.
Okay, so that's 3D.
Okay, so that's the first thing about.
The bullet number one. Okay. Bullet number two is that the NOS the network operating system is more than just the protocol stack. Unlike the 
iOS, cOS, JUNOS, SROS, you name it, which kind of carries the protocol stack within the NOS, DNOS is a bit more like Windows operating system. It's an actual operating system, acts like a platform. It also includes the protocol stack, but that's just one function out of many that can run on that operating system. That's point number two.
Actually, even third party applications and networking adjacent like security applications can run on this operating system.
Exactly. Just like an operating system.
Okay, just like an operating system which is in the cloud.
Which is acting in the cloud. Now point number three is that DNOS as a network operating system is more than just a protocol stack. Unlike...
Wasn't that point number two?
Yeah, that was also point number two, but it's so important that I figured we should say it twice.
Okay, so actually the three things you need to know about the
DNOS, the DriveNets Network Operating system is one, that it's a 3D system, it's diseggregated, it's distributed and it's DriveNets.
Second is that it's like an operating system, much more than just a protocol stack.
Like a platform. It's a platform.
It's a platform. Okay, so three points.
Thank you very much. Run. Now we know everything there is to know. Well, most of it, yeah, about DNOS. And see you next time on CloudNets. 
Thank you very much for watching.

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